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SAFE Student Coalition

The SAFE Student Coalition was created in February of 2020 in order to bring primary prevention programming to students. SAFE is a county-wide, student coalition that creates inclusive initiatives for prevention and response to interpersonal violence. Since it’s inception, the coalition has expanded to include various schools across Warren County. Student members have been developing ways to address prevention and supporting survivors in their schools, recruit other advocates, and discuss ways to better their communities.


The Student Coalition is made up of DASACC's Community Education Coordinator, students and youth, and teacher and advisors. Members are attend one hour monthly meetings and encouraged to:

  • Help identify areas of needs within their respective school

  • Raise awareness about and advocate for primary prevention programming

  • Help identify and assist with challenges in outreach and implementation

  • Raise awareness about DASACC and other victim prevention and intervention services

If you are interested in joining or hearing more about this initiative, please reach out to Ali Longo.

SAFE Student Coalition Flyer
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