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Healthy Masculinity Task Force (HMTF)

HMTF Flyer.png

​The Healthy Masculinity Task Force was created in July of 2018 in order to bring masculinity programming to male students, specifically athletes within the county. Since it’s inception, Task Force members have been developing ways to address this population, recruit community members to expand, and finalizing focus group structure regarding what healthy masculinity programming would look like in the county.


The Task Force is made up of DASACC staff, community members and stakeholders, and representatives of schools. Members are expected to attend one hour monthly meetings and encouraged to:

  • Help identify and contact populations that will benefit from DASACC’s programs/trainings

  • Raise awareness about and advocate for the healthy masculinity programming

  • Help identify and assist with challenges in outreach and implementation

  • Raise awareness about DASACC and other victim prevention and intervention services

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